Submersible 3 Core Flat Cables

HYLUM CABLES always believes in invention and quality of the product. A group of Experienced engineers are working hard at HYLUM CABLES R&D department to develop something Innovative.

To cope up with power loss and extra expense of customers, HYLUM CABLES has introduced a special type of submersible cables to farmers.

HYLUM CABLES has developed UNI-A submersible cables, where fine strands of each wires are specially triple twisted with the help of highly callibarated machine precisely and each wires are coated with special instead of PVC.

Triple twisting of strands helps in power saving, here current loss is minimal and strands passes power from one end to other easily.

So, with the UNI-A submersible cables one can save more and more electricity with extra protection.

Home Guard Properties

Test Testing Method Specified Value
Critical Oxygen Index IS : 10810 Part 58 Oxygen Index Minimum 29%
Temperature Index IS : 10810 Part 64 Min. Temp Index 250° at 21° Oxygen

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